Book of Eucalypt

It’s part blog, part information sharing, with rituals and meditations scattered throughout. It’s Australian, but the more recent posts are also in Dutch.

Book of Eucalypt – born in 2011.

Het is deels een blog, deels het delen van informatie, met overal verspreide rituelen en meditaties. Het is Australisch, maar de recentere berichten zijn ook in het Nederlands.

Boek van Eucalypt – geboren in 2011.

  • Short Story – Beltane

    [I wrote this story several years ago for a Gliding Seal ‘Beltane’ event held in the Sydney Hills. I remember I lacked the confidence to read it aloud because it is very NSFW, however I was awarded the title of ‘Bard of Beltane’ for that year. 2014? 2015? I may have posted this here before,… Read more

  • Once a Year | Eens per Jaar

    Once a Year | Eens per Jaar

    [ a mini Samhain story ] I am a child of an only parent – my father raising my older brother and I. Sure, he had partners, but it never lasted long, and at the end of the day it was always just the three of us. I learnt from a young age that something happened… Read more

  • Juxtaposition | Nevenschikking

    Juxtaposition | Nevenschikking

    I feel the need to write so I can release it, and properly move on. So much has happened in the last few weeks, and I have been so busy with garage sales, news of having to move, travelling for work… I have not been able to properly process anything. First things first – there… Read more

  • Short Story – The Yellow Scarf

    [NB: In going through my old folders I found short stories I had written several years ago.] The early morning wind rose across the sandy mountains of Lu’dendai, a northern breeze that carried the heat into cracks and crevices, into shade and shelter. Over the high walls of the city, once pure white of a… Read more

  • Meditation/Meditatie – Lughnasah, Lammas

    Meditation/Meditatie – Lughnasah, Lammas

    This is the season of the waxing dark. The seed of darkness born at the Summer Solstice now grows… the dark part of the days grows visibly longer. Earths tilt is taking us back from the sun. This is the time we celebrate dissolution; each unique self lets go, to the Darkness. It is a… Read more

  • Calling in the Elements | Kwartaal Oproep

    Calling in the Elements | Kwartaal Oproep

    I’ve been journeying through my old books, old Books of Shadows, and I’m bringing forward anything I think needs to surface. This is an Elemental Circle calling. It’s from a book circa 2007 so I’m not entirely sure if it’s my own writing, as I can’t find anything within Google. If this does belong to… Read more

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